
What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

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June 30, 2020

Wisdom teeth are also known as third molars. The wisdom teeth generally grow at the back of the gums and are typically the last teeth to emerge. Sometimes, people have four wisdom teeth, one that grows in each corner of the mouth. Just because there is no or little space at the back of the mouth, the wisdom teeth can develop in awkward angles. These wisdom teeth are called impacted teeth. People with impacted teeth face a variety of problems. These wisdom teeth can easily get infected, damage surrounding teeth, and can even cause crowning. 


The solution is to get them removed before it’s too late or the wisdom tooth starts to decay. Once you have removed your wisdom tooth, it’s very important to ensure you’re getting the right nutrition. With a proper nutritional diet, you can minimize the risk of complications, help reduce swelling, provide nourishment, and aid the wound-healing process.


Food For Wisdom Tooth Extraction


The foods you eat after removing the wisdom teeth should be soft and easy to chew. They should also be abundant in vitamins, minerals, energy, and protein to assist in wound healing. Your dentists would recommend you to eat soft or liquid foods that won’t irritate the extraction site. Focusing on your diet after wisdom tooth extraction will help it heal faster. Some foods and drinks have the potential to irritate or become trapped in the extraction sites, leading to infection. Therefore, it is important to follow your doctor’s orders about what to eat following surgery.


Wisdom tooth image


How to Eat


Well, it is not just important to focus on what you eat but also pay attention to the approach you follow while eating. Your dentist would have advised you to only chew on the opposite side of your mouth from the treated area. Since you’ll likely be consuming more liquids than solids initially, it may be tempting to use a drinking straw. Make sure you do not use a straw to drink because the suction of the straw can dislodge the blood clot and lengthen your total healing time.


What Not to Eat


Most often the tooth extraction patients are advised by their dentists not to consume alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours following the oral surgery. If you are taking powerful pain medications, it is beneficial to avoid consuming alcohol until you are no longer on the medicines. Let’s assume that you would have to take medicines for almost a week, then it’s best to avoid eating hard, crunchy, chewy, or brittle foods like chips, nuts, and popcorn. Sometimes, patients might also find it difficult to properly chew tough cuts of meat. Therefore, you must avoid the non-vegetarian items and try getting your protein from dairy products.

  • You must avoid the consumption of acidic and spicy foods (including citrus juice) that may cause irritation and pain.
  • Alcoholic beverages can irritate the area and are likely to interact negatively with the pain medication prescribed by your doctor.
  • Try to avoid grains (including rice and quinoa) and any types of seeds can easily become trapped in the extraction site.

Keep Your Teeth Clean By Maintaining Oral Hygiene


Gentle cleansing and rinsing as directed by your dental professional will ultimately guide the healing process. Using a very gentle and delicately bristled toothbrush around the surgical area after wisdom teeth removal should be your priority. Toothbrushes can be incredibly flexible, with ultra-forgiving, super-thin bristles to gently clean between your teeth and under the gumline without harming the stitched areas or healing tissue.


The extraction of wisdom teeth can prove to be necessary to one's dental health as a person grows. Now that you know what to eat after wisdom teeth removal (and what to stay away from), you'll be on the road to recovery in no time.


Recovery Time


Generally, patients must only focus on consuming liquid or soft food for the first 24 to 48 hours. You can eat food like yogurt, applesauce, and ice cream. You should avoid cold foods as they may increase the pain or discomfort.


When you start to feel better, you can initially incorporate more solid foods. As per expert dentists, after a week you can try foods like eggs, toast, or oatmeal. 




It is observed that most people heal quickly from wisdom teeth removal, as long as they follow the doctor’s instructions during recovery. Following your dentist’s instructions on what to eat and what to avoid is crucial in getting faster recovery. You’ll be much more comfortable, and you’ll significantly decrease the chance of complications.

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